I am not an economist. I had one intro to economics course in college. Everything I have learned about economics since then has come from reading Paul Krugman in the New York Times. I consider it a good month economically if my checkbook balances and my 401k doesn't tank.
But I am thinking of economists today because I just read a
review by Krugman of a new book called Seven
Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World, by
Jeff Madrick. The book is a chronicle of all the wrong headed advice mainstream
economists have been dishing out since before the debacle of 2008 and up until
Here is a brief restatement of what the economists got
1. Failed,
despite all the warning signs, to predict the 2008 recession, and, in fact,
argued that it could not happen.
2. Failed
to agree on a response to the recession once it did happen
3. Opposed
the stimulus package and raising the minimum wage as government interference in
the free-market which would, according to these economists, right itself. How
is that going?
How could economists get things so wrong? Well mainly,
according to Madrick and Krugman, because of a slavish belief in the free
market’s ability to manage itself, along with a faith based love of mathematical
models that are elegant on paper, but have no connection to the realities of
the real world.
Interestingly, while economists were not busy destroying the
economy for all of us except the 1%, they have busied themselves with attempts
to apply their cockamamie “models” to teacher evaluation schemes. The movement
toward value-added measurements has been led by, you guessed it, economists.
People such as Stanford’s Erik Hanushek, Harvard’s and Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation’s Thomas Kane, Harvard’s Raj Chetty and Columbia’s Jonah Rockoff.
Madrick apparently does not mention Value-Added Measures
(VAMs) of teacher accountability as one of the “seven bad ideas”, but it is at
the top of my list. Talk about a faith in an unrealistic mathematical model,
VAMs take the cake. What really cheeses me off about this rat pack of economists
is that many of them sit in tenured university positions, while they attempt to
deprive teachers of their job protections with junk science.
If you have not already read Audrey Amrein Beardsley’s book,
Rethinking Value-Added Models in
Education Critical Perspectives on Tests and Assessment-Based Accountability,
I recommend it to you. In it you will find a compendium of problems with VAMs.
Another good resource is Linda Darling-Hammond's commentary here.
In order for the “sophisticated statistical formula” of VAMs
to work you need to make several assumptions. You must assume that
student learning is measured well by a given
· student learning is influenced by the teacher alone.
students are randomly assigned to classes
· student learning is independent from the growth of classmates and
other aspects of the classroom context.
That’s a lot of assuming to do. Oh and by the way, none of
these assumptions is well supported by current evidence.
Here are some other real world issues that are unaccounted
for in VAMs.
School factors such as class sizes, curriculum
materials, instructional time, availability of specialists and tutors, and
resources for learning
Individual student
needs and abilities, health, and attendance
Peer culture and
Prior teachers and
schooling, as well as other current teachers
Special needs of
second language learners
Differential summer
learning loss, which especially affects low-income children
The specific tests
used, which emphasize some kinds of learning and not others and which rarely
measure achievement that is well above or below grade level.
But the number one reason to reject VAMs as a measure of
teacher accountability? They don’t provide any useful feedback to the teacher.
Right now if you are a teacher with a low VAM score, your best advice would be
to wait a year, because the scores are so volatile, you could get a high score next year. As a profession, we would
be wise to stop chasing our VAM tail and move on to some real reforms in
teacher evaluation that would provide formative feedback that could help us
refine practice.
When it comes to economists I would like to propose a
simpler model we could use to deny them their job protections. I take my model,
not from economics, but from baseball: three strikes and you’re out.
Failed to predict the recession – Strike One
Failed to agree on how to fix it – Strike Two
Failed to support measures to ameliorate the
impact – Strike Three
You’re Out, Mr. Economist! – No more tenure for
you! Welcome to the “free market.”