The story is the tale of blind men (or mice) who upon encountering an elephant disagree as to what the creature might be based on their own limited experience gained from touching one part of the mysterious creature. In the mousey version, a seventh hero mouse runs all over the whole creature and determines what it truly is – an elephant.
I got to thinking; lots of people are telling educators today what they should be doing. They have identified the problem with their narrow vision and they are ready to tell us how to fix it. To me they are like the blind mice of the tale above, looking at one part of the whole and claiming understanding. And so I present a new tale intended as a field guide for those who may be invaded by these vermin. I identify each species by its Latin name. A description is followed by recommended reading for further understanding of the type.
Education Reforming Mice, A Field Guide
1. No Excusem
Charterus – easily identifiable for his mating call “KIPP, KIPP.” Known to
favor harsh climates. Responds only to rigid, ritualistic behavior commands. When
one member of this group fails to follow rituals, s/he is shunned by the group
and placed in exile in a land called Onthebench. Known to push disruptive or
special needs members of the species out of the nest.
reading: “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson.
2. Commonus Corpus Colemanus – A close examination of the Colemanus shows a species that was
kicked out of the nest at an early age. Still compensating for early childhood disappointments. Seeks to make sure that all young mice have a similarly joyless youth through slavish adherence to narrowed learning experiences and numerous yearly standardized mazes to run through. When young mice complain of mistreatment replies harshly, “Nobody gives a s**t how you feel.”
reading: Are You My Mother?, by P.D. Eastman
3. Scabus for Americanus
(SFA) – Bright and enthusiastic, the Scabus for Americanus will dive into
the most difficult project with minimal training. Often found inhabiting ivy
covered walls. Willing to invade the turf of more experienced members of the
species for a warm nest and a small cheese allowance. Known to abandon their
habitat after a short tenure for more cozy confines in the hedge or on the ladder.
4. Tyranus Rheemus
– mutant strain of Scabus for Americanus, this species has over developed ego
and underdeveloped empathic response. Known to sprinkle every communication with trademark call, “I…I…I….” Favors public humiliation of underlings, but abandons post at first signs of distress. Silences critics with masking tape. Approach with caution.
and underdeveloped empathic response. Known to sprinkle every communication with trademark call, “I…I…I….” Favors public humiliation of underlings, but abandons post at first signs of distress. Silences critics with masking tape. Approach with caution.
Reading – The Prince, Maciavelli
5. Secretarius Duncanus – tallest of the species. Athletic with striking gray coat, but a clumsy communicator. Often seen foraging in public with his foot in his mouth. When cornered will blame any convenient target. Unwelcome in suburban homes and at tea parties. Always ready for a game, he is known to offer bribes to get others to play ball.
Reading: The Peter Principle, Lawrence Peter
6. Plutochrus Uberallus – enjoys sticking his nose in areas where he has no expertise. Uses obscene riches
to unduly influence other education reform mice and political mice. Likes to talk about accountability, but accepts none for own actions. Talks about the need for “churn” in the teaching profession. When asked what will happen with teacher mice who lose their jobs says, “Let’m eat cheese.”
Reading: Plutocrats
at Work, Joanne Barkan
whole picture. Battles back at reform mice with books and blogs. Recognizes that ill-advised educational policies cannot overcome the poverty that many mice face daily. Champions teachers, while calling for improvements in curriculum and instruction. Borrows her battle cry from another famous mouse, “Here I come to save the day!”
Reading: Reign of Error, by Diane Ravitch